Do I sense MGMT "kids" 2.0 here.. Nice knowing you.. fucking catchy songs..
49. Tapes 'n Tapes - Badaboom

Good Good Good Good song and FUN!
48. Lykke Li - I Follow Rivers

I follow Lykee Li and her fun songs
47. Tv On the Radio - Will Do

Sadness about the members of this band but great song/album
46. Purity Ring - Belispeak

Just when you thought your ears could be safe.. Glitch
45. The Sounds - Wish You Were Here

I love this song.. The End
44. The Decemberists - This is why we Fight

I am glad they came out with this album after last years album..
43. EMA - California

Yea I get it! Its a good song but not that good to be higher on this list
42. Eleanor Friedberger - My Mistakes

You know it's a great album for her first solo album
41. The Rapture - How Deep Is Your Love

I am glad they came back!
40. The Civil Wars - Dance With Me To The End of Love

39. Patrick Wolf - This City

This song played non-stop when I was in Seattle for a week!
38. Digitalism - 2 Hearts

I wish I had two hearts.. Maybe I then could drink longer in life..
37. tUnE-yArDs - Powa

I keep thinking of kids just swaying back and forth to this song.
36. Yuck - Georgia

more like YUM!!
35. James Blake - The Wilhelm Scream

I saw him in SF and I never seen a girl cry over a single lyric he sung.. Must be good!
34. Battles - Ice Cream

Not craving ice cream at all but maybe a keg stand.
33. Dum Dum Girls - Wrong Feels Right

This song feels so right that's for sure
32. Beach Fossils - What A Pleasure

Always find myself humming this song at random moments!
31. Ladytron - White Elephant

Still making amazing electropop songs.. Def kept me dancing
30. Washed Out - Amor Fati

This is a good song for today.. Rain Sucks but not this song
29. Hercules and The Love Affair - Painted Eyes

Following last years "Blind" They still make me wanna dance even without Beer.
28. Dawes - A Little Bit of Everything

I feel like I could listen to this album/song with my dad and hear about stories of pot stadium filled shows..
27. Wye Oak - Holy Holy

I don't know what but this band makes me want to stay home and cook.. Great song too!
26. Yacht - Dystopia (The Earth Is on Fire)

Sometimes I think that this song is about my old place of employment! "Let The Mother Fucker Burn"
25. Beirut - East Harlem

Not sure what it is about this song but I can only listen to it while making tea.
24. Cut Copy - Need You Know

Only if I could play a song and it came true.. as in I need a Beer after putting this list together.
23. The War On Drugs - Best Night

I really think more people should listen to this band and song!
22. Bright Eyes - Jejune Stars

Even though its not sad Emo Bright Eyes its sill a great fun song!
21. Girls - Vomit

I really do dig this band a lot.. So much fun and good song guys!
20. Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues

Saw these guys.. Good Band and great song. Enough Said! Cheers
19. Kanye West ft. Jay-Z - Niggas in Paris

Surprisingly the only real mainstream song I added on this list this year (No, Brit,RiRi,Kesha...)Still a great song..
18. Yelle - Que Veux-Tu

What a firecracker she is!! Great show and one of my top pop songs of the year!
17. Panda Bear - Surfers Hymn

A song to make the day seem like nothing happen..
16. The Weekend - House of Balloons

The Weekend had one good year! Great mix tapes and amazing track here!
15. Papercuts - Do What You Will

When I saw these guys, this song was the sure hit off their new album
14. Neon Indian - Polish Girl

With a great hook at the start! How could you not love this song
13. Feist - Graveyard

This has to be the strongest track on the album.. Such Haunting melodies and great singing!
12. CSS - City Girls

These girls and guys sure know how to put together a fun and catchy song.Dance Party Time
11. The Head and The Heart - Down in the Valley

This year folk music really did come back out of no where. This song by far was ahead the pack for me this year.
10. Justice - Civilization

Even though its not the same Justice as before.. At least they had one good song on the album.
9.Tennis - Marathon

Just like with the Cults (Below) I found these nice doo wop influence songs so much fun!
8. Real Estate - Its Real

One song that I could not get out of my head! Such good hooks and indie pop is always fun
7. Oh Land - White Nights

This was a sure surprise for me this year.. Such a great poppy electronic catchy song!
6.Radiohead - Lotus Flower

What can I say.. Radiohead never lets me down!Great video too.. Dancing Thom
5. M83 - Midnight City

Great track and great hook.. I always love how M83 can have great new output all the time.
4. Adele - Rolling In The Deep

I don't think you could of gone anywhere this year and not been annoyed by this song constantly playing in the background. Good Song still
3. Florence & The Machine - Shake it Out

This girl never lets you down.. Great voice and great songs!! Great way to kick off her new album.
2. The Cults - Abducted

Now this little lady can sing.. What a great song to start your day and bop your head too!
1. Bon Iver - Halocene

This was the year of Bon Iver. Just when I thought the lead single Calgary was so good, I heard this one and gave me shivers.. Such a great song and album